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Kangaroo Island Natives (Ostrea Angasi)

Updated: Sep 26, 2019

Our research continues with on-farm trials of KI Natives (Ostrea Angasi) with the South Australian Research & Development Institute. We recently hosted visiting researcher, Zhi Li Dalaian, from Ocean University Beijing. His study topic in Adelaide is Ostrea Angasi Larval Rearing (making Angasi babies basically) and he is assisting Mark Gluis (SARDI) in Angasi growth trials located at Kangaroo Island Shellfish and Stansbury on Yorke Peninsula in South Australia.

Visiting researcher Zhi Li Dalaian with Paul and Bailey (KISH)

The southern mud oyster, Australian flat oyster, native flat oyster, or angasi oyster is endemic to southern Australia, ranging from Western Australia to southeast New South Wales and around Tasmania. When the early settlers discovered the Angasi oyster they were so keen on them that they harvested these native oysters to the brink of extinction.

Angasi oysters are a large, rounded oyster with a cup-shaped lower shell and a flat or slightly concave upper shell. Juveniles grow attached to stones or shells, but older animals live free on soft sediment. They have a distinctly different taste to the Pacific oyster with mineralised flavours that linger longer on your palate.

Some KI Natives ready for sale and some babies that need to grow some more!

As part of our farm species diversification plan, we have been 'playing' with farming Angasi from spat for the past 3-4 years with SARDI. These on-farm trials help us to determine the best part of our farm to grow them in at different times throughout the season, their grow-out cycle, what densities to pack them and the best infrastructure to use to attain the least mortality, best shell shape...and of course the best meat quality and taste!

Mark Gluis (SARDI) and Zhi Li Dalaian (Ocean University Beijing)

Next time you are in American River, pop into The Oyster Farm Shop and try these Kangaroo Island native oysters!

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